An installed web interface is required. Supported are the plugin OpenWebIf and the plugin Webinterface. If the access does not work, please check on your receiver in the section Settings - Plugins / Extensions if one of these plugins is installed. If it is installed, please check the settings.
Select the option 'Search Receiver' to find the receiver automatically in the network. If this does not work, enter the data manually.
As server, enter the internal IP address or the name of your receiver for the default profile. As port use the port set in the plugin, normally port 80. The settings for HTTPS and login data should not be needed in the internal network. If you do, activate this option. You should know the IP address of the receiver. It is also recommended to set the receiver to a static IP address, otherwise the IP address can change and the app will not work anymore. The IP address of the receiver can be set under Settings - System - Network Adapter on the receiver.
For the default profile you should specify the internal access to the receiver via your local WLAN. If you also want to access the receiver from the Internet, you can create an additional profile later. See External Access.
Important: If the access does not work, open a web browser on the same device where the app is installed and try to access the web interface of the receiver e.g. via (adjust IP address and port if necessary). If this does not work either, check if the web interface plugin is installed and activated. It is also important that not both plugins OpenWebif and Webinterface are running at the same time and block each other.
Please don't use leading zeros for port (OpenWebIf displays it in a misleading way). Don't use 0080 as port. Use 80 instead.
For certain functions (transmitter logos, NAS access, cover ...) access via FTP is required. You can skip the access during setup with the option "Disable in this profile" if you do not need these functions.
The "FTP server" function must be activated on the receiver for this. This should be the case by default on port 21. Please enter this data as well as the user name (root by default) and the password with which you connect to your receiver via SSH or FTP.
If you have not yet stored a password here, use e.g. Putty to connect to the receiver via Telnet or SSH. Log in with the user root. If no password is requested in this step, you can specify it with the command 'passwd'. If a password is prompted, you have already done this step or the manufacturer of the image has set a default password.
With the plugin 'Passwd' on the receiver the password can be reset via the Enigma2 interface.
The FTP access is usually only used in the default profile in the local network. When setting up the external profile or if you want to do without FTP, you can select the option 'Disable in this profile'.
There are 2 possibilities to display station logos in the app:
- Automatic installation from the Internet
- Download the transmitter logos from the receiver
If you activate the option "Use from receiver", you must note the following:
To display channel logos in the application, they must first be installed on the receiver. Depending on the image of your receiver, you can usually download them under extensions. Otherwise you have to download them from the internet and copy them to your receiver. Normally they are then stored in the folder /user/share/enigma2/picon or /picon. The channel logos are then displayed in the receiver when you switch over.
In the app, select either the "Use picons" option in the setup wizard or subsequently in the Settings - Station logos menu. In both cases access via FTP must be activated. If this is not the case, please edit your profile first and activate FTP access there.